My first Exhibition: Are you near me?
EN / Are you near me? — Can you feel me? Do you know me?
Right now, there are 7,934,759,949 people living on this planet. During my life, I will meet thousands of them. With some, I’ll only cross paths briefly, some will maybe take a glance, or even exchange a quick smile. Few will walk a while with me, accompanying me on my journey, as I accompany them … We will meet thousands of people.
But who is gonna stay with me? Who knows me? Who do I trust? Who is really near me? And can another person ever get close to me, if I’m not close to myself? Don’t we first have to get to know ourselves? Get to know, who I am, who I was and who I will be — bringing past, present, and future in line? Isn’t the overarching question in the end: Am I near me?
Exhibition text by Anabelle Grundmann
DJ Set: Lukas Blaukovitsch
Live Performance: Mani Orrason & Ark White
In partnership with: Holla Botanics & Sea-Eye Berlin
Location: ORi Berlin
Images taken by Marie Immel, Jasmina Hartmann, Alma Halfpaap and me.